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Switch Cup

Switch Cup_edited.jpg



Two posts approximately 2 metres high.

A cup is placed upside down on top of a post.

The posts will be located adjacent to one another with 1.2 metres between them.

For Junior riders the posts can be placed closer and lower.


At Introductory level the obstacle will be performed at walk only.

At Preparatory the obstacle may be performed at either the walk or the trot.

The judge will consider the additional difficulty of the trot when awarding marks.

At Preliminary the obstacle must be performed at the trot.

At Novice and above the obstacle must be performed at the canter.

The rider will remove the cup and place it on the other post while the horse remains immobile.

The rider will exit the obstacle at the required gait for the level.

The exit will be when the horse’s hindquarters have passed the exit markers or the poles.

If the cup has not been replaced after the previous competitor, the current rider will stop and signal to the steward and wait while it is replaced, and then continue with no penalty.

WENZ Rulebook V1.0

Judging Directives
The judge will consider rhythm, straightness, balance and confidence in approach and in halt. The halt should stay immobile.
A score of 5 or less will be given for:
● Moving during halt
● Bumping the obstacle
A score of (zero) 0 will be given for:
● Dropping the cup
● Knocking the obstacle over
Riders at Novice and below will not dismount. At these levels, the rider will score a (zero) 0 (EOH) or a penalty will apply (Speed) and will be asked to move onto the next obstacle. At Elementary and above in both Speed and EOH if the cup falls, the rider must dismount, retrieve and remount with the cup, and place it on the post before continuing the course. Failure to dismount and retrieve the cup will result in disqualification.


Sally Thorne comments & tips from Waikora Equestrian Retreat

Square halts get better marks!  Make sure your horse is used to you asking for halt then transferring reins to one hand and wriggling around a bit without taking that as a cue to move off.

Training Tips
  • When training sometimes back out sometimes don’t move off and sometimes replace the cup several times . Get your horse used to WAITING for the aid to move off.

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